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Which Would Be the Best Training Centers for A CCNA and CCNP Course in Pune?

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2020-12-29
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  •   Views: 723
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  • CISCO News

People across the globe were never connected so well in the history of humanity. With increasing technology, its impact on global communication, and providing solutions every passing year, networking would have played quite a crucial part in the process.

From medical diagnosis to socializing with the community, from navigation around the globe to control the manufacturing facility, networks would have played an integral part in today's era.

You might have heard of Cisco Systems, Inc., which is considered a global player in providing networking and communications services and products. Routing and switching products are considered to be among Cisco System's most popular devices, which would help direct data across networks globally.

CCNA certification:

CCNA is considered to be the abbreviation of Cisco Certified Network Associate. It is believed to be the entry-level Cisco CCIE certification and the base for the professional and expert level certifications. CCNA certification and training is in high demand and would be demonstrating the ability of an individual for:

  •  Managing a medium-sized network
  • Configuring a network
  • Installing a medium-sized network
  • Operating and troubleshooting routed and switched networks

Scope of CCNA certified professional:

Following are the job opportunities offered to CCNA certified professionals, as well as their average salaries.

What is a CCNP certification?

CCNP is considered to be an abbreviation for Cisco Certified Network Professional. As evident from the name, it is believed to be the professional level of Cisco certification, introducing you to the intermediate level of networking technologies. Several modules would be included in CCNP Certification. CCNP securities are going to have four modules. Professionals working on a vast or local area network (WAN or LAN) infrastructure could benefit from this certification.

This certification would be demonstrating an individual's ability for:

  • Planning
  • Implementing
  • Verifying
  • Troubleshooting WANs and LANs

Scope of a CCNP certified professional:

Following are the job opportunities offered to CCNP certified professionals, as well as their average salaries.


If you would be confused in choosing the certification appropriate for your career path, here is considered to be a comparison of the two to guide you:


Both the certifications would be different in their levels. CCNA is considered an Associate level certification, whereas CCNP is believed to be a professional Cisco certification level.

The number of exams:

The number of exams that would be required to be cleared to earn CCNA certification is one. On the other hand, CCNP certifications require two exams, one core and one concentration.

Knowledge level:

CCNA certification provides a basic knowledge of networking. On the other hand, CCNP certifications would be providing an in-depth understanding of advanced networking technologies.


Professionals who would have to earn CCNP certificates earn higher salaries than CCNA certified professionals. As it is considered a professional certification, CCNP certification provides a higher level of job opportunities. Though there are no prerequisites in both the accreditation, knowledge of CCNA is imperative in obtaining the CCNP Certification.

Now that you have acquired the knowledge of the CCNA and the CCNP Certification, you must be looking forward to obtaining success. If so, SPOTO CCNA Exam Dumps and SPOTO CCNP Exam Dumps would be able to help you out in achieving success in your very first attempt. These dumps are available online and thus could be achievable from anywhere.


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