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Part 3: Top Project Management Interview Questions and Answers in 2021

  •     Spoto
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  •   Posted on: 2021-07-21
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  •   Views: 1438
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  • PMP News

Congratulations on landing an interview for a project management position! Project managers are essential to the smooth operation of practically any type of organization, whether it is a tiny nonprofit, a rising startup, or a large corporation with thousands of employees. Whatever organization you're meeting with, they're clearly in need of assistance, and you're one step closer to proving you're the right fit.

You may have begun by preparing to answer basic interview questions, but if you want to stand out from the crowd, there are a few unique questions that you should be prepared to respond to as a project management candidate.

In the previous article (Top project management interview questions and answers in 2021; Part 2: Top Project Management Interview Questions and Answers in 2021), we talked about Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers on Scenario-Based, Domain Knowledge, and Skills-Based Project Management, Clear Communication, Consistency & Integrity, Customer Orientation, and Developing Others. In this article, we'll continue discussing the following Project Management Interview Questions:

  • Interview Questions for Project Managers on Effective Delegation
  • Interview Questions for Project Managers on Goal Focus
  • Interview Questions for Project Managers on Managing Ambiguity and Risks
  • Interview Questions for Project Managers on Prioritizing and Time Management
  • Interview Questions for Project Managers on Proactive Decision Making
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Interview Questions for Project Managers on Effective Delegation

Effective delegation is one of the most crucial success factors for a project manager. How well can you get tasks done with the help of others? The delegation must be accomplished through empowerment rather than interference or loss of control. The following questions will help you figure out if you're an excellent delegator:

27. How do you handle delegation?

This is a question aimed at eliciting information about your leadership skills. Explain what has worked best for you in the past and provide examples of how your delegation strategy has worked well. Even if you've never formally led a team before, it's critical to identify a previous example of how you delegated.

28. How easy is it for you to levels of responsibility?

Any project manager must be able to delegate responsibility with ease. Ensure to bring up a relevant example that demonstrates to the interviewer that you are confident transferring responsibility.

29. How do you keep track of and review the tasks that have been allotted to you?

As a project manager, it's critical to regularly stay on top of your team's tasks and responsibilities. Discuss specific instances of how you accomplish this, such as organizing quick meetings, using project management software, and so on.

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Interview Questions for Project Managers on Goal Focus

Project managers must maintain a laser-like focus on their objectives. To succeed, you must have a laser-like focus. Candidates must align resources to meet critical objectives, plan and discover ways to improve and increase efficiency and monitor and fine-tune execution with agility, hard effort, tenacity, and sound judgment. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions in this area:

30. What are your six-month career and project objectives?

If you have any short-term project goals, be honest about them, as this shows the interviewer that you care about your work and are goal-oriented. When it comes to outlining your professional ambitions, don't forget to mention the organization you're interviewing with. You may not have a specific firm in mind when speaking with a recruiter for job placement, and that's fine—be clear about the type of role you see yourself in.

31. What methods do you use to set goals for your team? And how do you keep track of your progress toward these objectives?

Setting objectives, whether they be deadline goals or overall project goals, is an essential component of project management since it encourages team members and keeps projects on track. Make sure to share specific instances of how you've set goals for your team in the past and how you've kept track of them. For example, you may have developed a project completion target for a specific project that required everyone to finish their portion by a particular deadline. Perhaps you checked in with team members frequently to see if any barriers preventing them from making the deadline and if so, you gave alternatives.

Interview Questions for Project Managers on Managing Ambiguity and Risks

Uncertainty is something that a project manager must cope with. In ambiguous situations, it's critical that you can assess and prioritize risks and take necessary action. In changing environments, it's also crucial to managing others' worries. The following scenario-based questions are frequently asked to assess skill in this area:

32. Describe two areas in your current project where you have a lot of ambiguity. How do you deal with these ambiguities?

Nobody expects a project to run smoothly. What the interviewer is looking for is how you handle any situation that could lead to a setback. A good project manager should have a few tricks up their sleeve at all times.

33. How do you keep track of project changes?

Change is unavoidable, but it's critical to respond rapidly to such changes as a project manager. Explain to your interviewer how you stay on track with your team when project modifications arise.

Interview Questions for Project Managers on Prioritizing and Time Management

A project manager is responsible for a variety of tasks and issues. To be a good project manager, you must carefully select your battles. Because resources are constantly limited, they must be prioritized. Time is a valuable resource for the project because it cannot be easily replaced after being lost. As a result, one of the most important abilities for any project manager is project time management. The following questions are used to determine whether you are capable of taking on the duty of developing efficient methods of task execution:

34. How do you keep your project on track at all times?

Explain how you keep in touch with your team during a project. Your interviewer wants to learn about your work process and observe how meticulous you are. You might say, for example, that you believe effective and regular communication is critical to maintaining a project on track.

35. As a manager, what tools do you use to plan your own and your team's activities?

Project managers employ various tools and techniques to keep organized, ranging from meetings to project management programs and everything in between. To demonstrate your understanding of project management software and other tools, make a list of as many tools as you can think of.

Interview Questions for Project Managers on Proactive Decision Making

A project manager must be able to recognize and avoid issues from negatively affecting the project. It is critical that the candidate demonstrates the ability to take the initiative, avoid procrastination, and make complex judgments. As a result, candidates are frequently requested to offer instances and real-life scenarios from their projects and personal lives in which they took proactive actions. Here are several examples:

36. Give some examples of proactive decision-making in your previous projects and your daily life.

As a project manager, it's critical to take the initiative, and your interviewer wants to see how you do it. Consider particular project examples that required a lot of proactive decision-making, but don't be hesitant to include non-workplace instances as well.

37. Can you tell me about a moment when you made a difficult decision that backfired?

This is a difficult question for candidates to answer since it reveals how honest you are with yourself and forces you to discuss when you failed. Your interviewer wants to see how you deal with setbacks since they will come no matter how brilliant you are at your work. They're more interested in learning what you've gained from these encounters. Explain how you used those obstacles to better as a project manager overall when you share your instances.


As you prepare, go over the information above and review the job description for the specific role. Then explain to the interviewer why you'd be the ideal choice—and demonstrate it by how you act before, during, and after the interview. Keep in mind the most crucial talents, attributes, and points you're trying to express, no matter which questions you get in the interview.

SPOTO PMP training courses, exam dumps, application services, and recertification services can also help you master and build these skills and prepare you to get through the interview and into the job!

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