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You still don't know all the information about CCIE RS LAB, just check it out.

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  •   Posted on: 2019-04-28
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  • CCIE Lab

CCIE R&S Lab v 5.0 Description:

The CCIE R&S Lab v 5.0 exam is an eight-hour, hands-on exam which requires you to troubleshoot and configure a series of complex networks to the given specifications. The knowledge of troubleshooting is an important skill and you are expected to solve and diagnose issues as the part of the CCIE lab exam. You will not configure the end-user systems but are also responsible for all devices residing in the network.


The following topics are general guidelines of the content that is likely to be included on the exam. However, there are other related topics which may or may not appear on any specific delivery of the exam. So in order to better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, do remember that the guidelines can change at any time without giving you prior notice.


About the CCIE R&S Lab Exam:

The CCIE lab exam will be an eight-hour, hands-on exam which will require you to configure and troubleshoot a series of complex networks to given specifications. To know about the troubleshooting is quite an important skill and which you are expected to diagnose and solve the issues as part of the CCIE lab exam. You will not be able to configure the end-user systems, but you are responsible for all devices that are residing in the network hubs, etc. Value points and testing criteria are provided. More detail is found on the CCIE R&S Lab Exam Blueprint and the list of Lab Equipment and IOS Versions.


Cost of CCIE R&S Lab Exam:

The money that you are going to pay for the lab examination, aren’t going to cover your traveling and lodging expenses. The costs provided to you may vary due to exchange rates and local taxes. You are going to be responsible for any fees that your financial institution charges in order to complete your payment transaction. The prices are not confirmed and are subject to change at any time without notice until you have done full payment.


Lab Environment:

The Cisco documentation is available in the lab room, but the exam assumes the knowledge of more common technologies and protocols. The documentation can be navigated using the index. You need to remember that no outside reference materials are permitted in the lab room. You will have to report any suspected equipment issues to the proctor during the exam; adjustments cannot be made once the examination is over.


Lab Exam Format:

Talking about the format of the Lab Exam, it consists of three modules. They are:

1.    The Troubleshooting Module

2.    The Configuration Module

3.    The Diagnostic Module


The timing of the Troubleshooting module is 2 hours and if you desire you can extend the time of the Troubleshooting module by borrowing up to 30 min from the Configuration Module. But do remember that, this minutes which you are borrowing, from the Troubleshooting Module, it will be deducted from the total time of the Configuration module which will be reduced by the extra time spend in the Troubleshooting Module (if you spend any, up to 30 min). Suppose if you finish the Troubleshooting module early, the time which is unused in the Troubleshooting modules will be added to the Configuration Module’s time, ensuring a total lab exam time of 8 hours. The final that is the Diagnostic module is fixed in duration and that is about 30 minutes.


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